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LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Crystal Reflections Art Studio Crystal Reflections Photography of Lititz, PA LINKEDIN Crystal Reflections Art Studio & Gallery Crystal (Shenk) Dull INSTAGRAM Crystal.Dull artistcrystaldull customartportraits
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$20 Gift Certificate Winners You could be next! Enter by texting your name and email address to 717-419-9566 with word "ENTER ME" or email us. Jane C. from Ephrata, Pa
Crystal Reflections Art Studio 1726 Old Rothsville Road Lititz, PA 17543 Studio in rear. Parking for 5 vehicles, please leave space on side of garage to turn around in. (In Rothsville, between Lititz, Brownstown and Ephrata. Just off routes 772, 501 222, 272)
Monday - Friday by appointment during 9 am - 8 pm Fine Art Gallery, 717-419-9566 please call first & come. Art Instruction, see days and times. Payments: We prefer cash, checks and debit cards, but also take credit cards. Make checks out to "Crystal Dull"